In company VÝVOJ Martin, a.s. we have been striving for the satisfaction of our customers for over 60 years.
Despite constantly increasing demands, we manage to fulfill the necessary standards and requirements of standards. The proof of our efforts are obtained certificates according to the requirements of ISO standards, confirmations, permits and decisions:
ISO 45001:2018 - by meeting the requirements of the standard, the company provides a healthy and safe working environment, prevents occupational accidents and damage to workers' health.
ISO 14001:2015 - the requirements of the standard will enable the analysis, control and reduction of negative environmental impacts of the company's individual activities, products and services.
ISO 9001:2015 - the standard specifies the requirements that, when fulfilled, guarantee the ability to provide products and services of permanent quality.
SOŠ AQAP 2110:2010 – contains NATO quality requirements. SOŠ AQAP contains requirements that, if properly implemented, provide confidence in the supplier's ability to deliver a product that meets the requirements agreed in the contract with the customer.
Certificate on industrial security - level of secrecy "Confidential" Type of access to classified information - familiarization.
License to trade in military material - enables the purchase/sale of military material, foreign trade activity with military material, intercommunity transport of military material, intermediary activity with military material. Decision of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.
NCAGE Assignment Notice - A manufacturer/supplier code assigned by the Codification Division of the Office of Defense Standardization, Codification, and State Quality Assurance.
OMB Approval 1405-0002 - Allows import of defense technology products, defense services, or technical data into the United States.